Happy Anniversary!



A year ago I went to the ACFW Indianapolis conference on an  adventure.
Finally I was going to meet the people who I had shared my heart,
and writing with.

Would they be as awesome as I imagined?
Would they laugh at my antics as much in person as they do online??
(that one was particularly important…lol!)


I was a little nervous!

But as we met and mingled,
our nerves fell away and we found ourselves chatting like old friends.

It is hard to explain to those who have not experienced it,
but our projects–written, prayed and cried over–bound us together.
They became my writing family.
My closest friends, despite the distance.


Friends that I’d met online,
(I know…creepy and unsafe…)
became my comrade in arms.

They understand writing until the wee hours of the morning,
wrestling with plot lines that won’t behave,
and caring so much for your story that it hurts your heart when it is rejected.

And our love crosses into our everyday lives:
we laugh,
and rejoice together through all of lifes ups and downs.


So join me in raising a glass of your favorite,
to my fellow Scriblerians.

Scribs…you rock!
May we spend many more years writing together!!!!

And of course…publishing many books. 😉

I love you guys!!!!!!

Have you ever been surprised by friendship?? I’d love for you to share in the comments. 🙂

Karen deBlieck

Karen deBlieck

18 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary!

  1. What blew me away by meeting the Scriblerians in person was no matter what combination we were in, we got along great. Karen, Lisa, Tim, Loraine ,& me as the spec writers. Lisa, Beth, & me as the roommates. Linda, Beth, & me as the Indiana girls (even though I don’t live there any more). In the car and after the gala with Vanessa & her husband (honorary member). I love all of you guys and hope to meet Cynthia in person some day.


  2. Oh, Karen, what a truly fantastic time we had!!!! I feel so blessed to be part of this group. And you described the connection we share so well. Until we all meet again…


  3. I didn’t have the history with you all before the conference, but it didn’t seem to matter. You were all so inviting and friendly, I was immediately set at ease and welcomed in. And it is such a blessing, to be included in this group. I’m raising my kale shake and saying “Here, here, well said Karen!”


  4. Can me and Cyn pick a team ir what.


  5. I can’t imagine writing without all of you anymore! Happy Anniversary to us!


  6. Aww. Sweet memories. It’s been too long. *Hugs*


  7. Obviously a great group of people.I write too and now realize that Karen probably lives in USA not in Ontario as I hoped. So glad to meet more writers.i write for non-adults; children of all ages.see my site http://janebuttery.com
    Blessings and have fun writing


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